—the new

We cannot become who we are meant to be if we keep holding onto the old. 

Letting go is something that is constantly happening in our lives, change is the only thing that is certain. Being able to lean into being fully present means you are able to experience all that is, right here and now.

Nothing in life is certain, nor does it stay that way for too long. The more we try to hold on so tightly to something, the more it alludes us. The more we are attached to a certain “way” the more we constrict the flow.

"By clearing out what is no longer serving us, we make space for the new to land in our hearts and in our lives."


Letting go is not easy nor is it for the heint hearted! The more we care about something, the harder it is to let it go. The more emotional charge we feel or have towards a situation, person or feeling in life, the harder it is to let it go.

“Who would I be if I could let this go?” is a question I usually start with when something is stuck or feeling like I have to hold on. 

“What is it about this ____ that I feel so connected to hold onto?” is the next question I ask. 

“How would I feel if this ____ was no longer in my life?” to close it out.

You can do this by closing your eyes and putting your hands on our heart space and taking a breath, you can do this by writing it out, you can do this by holding the question in your mind as you exercise or move your body and see what arises. Sometimes, you might have to do all three to really get the pristine and clear answer you need. Sometimes it will land instantly.

When we are able to fully let go, we make so much room in our lives for the new.

When I think of holding on before letting go, I think of when I was little on the monkey bars. Holding on so tightly that my knuckles turn white and my hands begin to shake and hurt. When I think of letting go, I think of putting a leaf in a waterfall stream and seeing how fast and far it can go. Sometimes when I am letting go I imagine letting go of the monkey bars and landing safely and softly on the sand below. Sometimes when I am letting go I imagine the leaf going on the most wonderful adventure down stream. Both the soft landing in the sand and the adventure that awaits is only possible ONCE we let it go.

There is no guarantee how it will go once we let it go, and quite often we think in our mind that we have let it go, but actually there is more and more to let go of. We are constantly being called and asked to surrender. To let go again and again and agin. Often there is an initial letting go, followed by a series of a lot more moments, life events and opportunities to surrender even more, let go even deeper. It is in the deeper surrender and letting go that more and more space is being made.

As we let go and surrender we are making room in our lives, our hearts, our world for so much more — as we continue to soften, lean in, let go and surrender we heal the parts that are hurting. We heal the parts that we didn’t want to touch. We heal the parts that are holding on and finally, with one more breath out, we completely let it go. What is waiting in the wings is so much beautiful space for the new to now be able to land. It is hard to let go, it is hard to face all those parts that hurt.

It is hard to accept that things didn’t work out how you had hoped or wished for. It is hard to have the realisation that life really is unfair at times. What is harder though — carrying these emotions, situations, wrong decisions, heartbreak, hurt for the rest of our lives. That is so much harder! The cost of carrying this for any longer than you have to is so expensive. Far more expensive than an energy healing session, far more expensive than any holiday escaping this reality. The cost is that of the space where you big dreams and desires could be living. It is taking up room in your life.

“Who would I be if I could let this go?” I think you could be your most amazing self. I think you could become all you have ever dreamed of being. I think that, on the other side of this feeling, is freedom.

Just like the peppermint tree leaves that I watched blow in the breeze, falling like snow all around us, I wondered — were these leaves sad to leave or so glad they could finally be free?

Wishing you so much love in your letting go today and always xx


—trust the process


—summer of grace